Church Choir
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name. (Psalm 96:1-2)
The choir is an essential part of our Malayalam and English worship services at Mar Thoma Church of Greater Seattle, lending a greater meaning to the core message and theme of every service through the songs that we sing.

Senior Choir
Our senior church choir, consisting of more than thirty members, sings a diverse array of music during weekly Sunday services, spanning traditional English and Malayalam hymns, contemporary worship tunes and beloved Maramon convention songs. Additionally the choir also performs during special occasions like our Christmas Carol service, Ecumenical events, Holy Week through the year.
Junior Choir
Our enthusiastic Junior Choir comprising of our Sunday School children from ages 5 and up,lead the English worship service on the 3rd Sundays of the month and during special church events. It's an inspiration for the entire church to see the younger generation leading the service and singing their hearts out.

Membership in the senior choir is open to all who can hold a tune and are willing to attend the practices and the Sunday services. If you enjoy singing 4 part harmony thats a bonus !
We believe that as a choir we are not just harmonizing musical notes, but we are collectively engaging in Gods ministry.